Toxic Masculinity remains rife within our society today, how do we feel about this?
We see it in Russia's invasion of the Ukraine, we see it in altercations at the Oscars, we see it in the governance of pandemics, we see it in what we believe to be conspiracy theories, hell we see it in the way that we as human beings continue to expand across the planet without any respect towards nature and our fellow inhabitants within our world. It is a 'power over' way of being, where we seek to bully, control, criticise and condition our fellow citizens towards our way of thinking. We take resources from the planet as if they are solely meant for us regardless of where they are in the world and what purpose they ultimately serve. We are selfish, we operate from a place of lack and scarcity, we hoard and we live in fear. If anyone dare challenge us we lash out with our own style of retribution. This mentality only continues to make us feel more and more alone, isolated within the world, where, in solitary confinement, surrounded by a million cans of baked beans and a thousand rolls of loo paper we are bereft without any fellow human contact, none of any note in any case. Just an inanimate scroll of a social media feed where all of our emotions are hidden behind a wall of words without any genuine, physical human contact. We yearn for connection with other kindred spirits and yet we do everything within our power to push people away, to take their energy away from them, just so that we can survive for a minute longer upon this globe of ours lost within a multitude of galaxies. This isn't the way to be in the world that we live in, we know this deep down at our very core but we know of little alternative as we have only experienced this one way of living to date, a caterpillar way of existence. This continued treadmill of life where we continue to give and give and give to a system that very rarely returns any favours to us, unless we spend 25 years or more at our current task eeking out incremental payments towards our dreams from a very modest existence where only 1% of us truly win within the life that we encounter. The rest of us are continually in debt to it and it feels as if we will never have our head above the water. Once we do eventually surface it is often beaten back down or held below the water line as we drown in feelings of unworthiness, being under appreciated and unloved. We can however turn it all around by adopting a 'power with' attitude, to seek to serve others, to be expansive with our unique gifts that we have to offer the world, to be supportive, compassionate and caring towards every living being that we encounter. In essence we are being urged to become more feminine in nature, opening up to our own divinity, softening the masculine aspect of ourselves where we begin to operate out of a place of abundance, joy, fun and frivolity. Here we begin to feel that we have any amount to share with others and once more we start to come back more into alignment with the Earth herself. We can choose to share resources, to provide for others, to respect our fellow creatures upon the planet, giving them the space and respect that they deserve too. We begin to value them and work with them to create a planet where we can all begin to work in harmony with one another, sing the same song, being in tune with the rhythm of Gaia. It is clear we need to pitch our voices higher, to place them up an octave or two if we are to lift the vibrancy and frequency of the planet to a more loving way of being, honouring our own divinity and butterfly self. This is possible however once we know our journey to date and how we have come to be where we are today. If you are a man and you want to transform yourself from a place of toxicity to one of divinity why not check out my upcoming 13 month personal development project in the form of the Orion Reborn Mens Program. If you are a woman why not check out The Flower Power Trip and The Butterfly Journey and let's see what we can do by way of an introduction to each other. Together we can make the difference that we seek. I sit and wait patiently to be of service to you, whoever comes over the horizon first to be welcomed through the gateway into a new realm, one where some very fluttery kindred spirits exist just waiting to make contact with you, once you begin to find your reason for being on the globe at this time, your life purpose. Why not come and join the new paradigm that is beginning to form and connect with me today, I can't wait to hear from you in order to get started.
Born out of the moorland heart
you do not notice me. Trickling down your backward slopes, to start you do not notice me. Flowing beneath the path of adolescent feet you do not notice me. Bounding beyond your working week you do not notice me. Through shadowy depths and sparkling heights you do not notice me. Where people play and fly their kites you do not notice me. Around right angle bends, that trouble sends you do not notice me. Meandering past midlife, towards my journeys end you do not notice me. Slowing down now, no longer flete afoot you do not notice me. Bye swan and drake and even boat you do not notice me. I’ve reached my voiced desire at last you do not notice me. On golden sand I retire my past you do not notice me. From source to mouth I am as one you do not notice me. Out to sea where my life doth come you do not notice me. Finally I am gone and you have none you notice me. Dry riverbed, no more fun you notice me. Enlightenment comes all too late you notice me. Resigning yourself to your chosen fate you notice me. Now you care and stop and stare you notice me. Busy life gone, resources scarce you notice me. No drink, no wash, no fish, no dove you notice me. No growth, no dosh, no life, no love you notice me. Oh to start again from the beginning to be with me. Never again shall you neglect our twinning to be with me. One drop of emotion is all that is needed to be with me. Back at the heart where our lifeblood is seeded to be with me. What to do for a second chance to be with me. No end of turns at river dance to be with me. Scratching your head for life’s true meaning to be with me. When all life looks spent, it starts raining you’re with me. By Simon Blackler Copyright © Simon Blackler 2020 If you care to comment on this poem at all please feel free to do so below. Forgive me mother, for getting too big.
No room is there left now, for lion or pig. Forgive me mother, for multiplying too many. In habitat loss, species die two a penny. Forgive me mother, for conceiving more kids. No concept of growth, or population lids. Forgive me mother, for expanding so fast. The cities created, such shadows they cast. Forgive me mother, for sprawling too wide. Railroads and highways, with you they collide. Forgive me mother, for commuting so much. Clogging your airways, losing nature's touch. Forgive me mother, for being a child. Trashing kerbside in tantrum, forest when riled. Forgive me mother, for creating such mess. With plastic and litter, turtles choke in distress. Forgive me mother, for polluting your streams. Blackening water with oil, culling indigenous dreams. Forgive me mother, for depleting your gifts. Searching for treasure, only finding thrift. Forgive me mother, for claiming your body. Raping your landscapes, all for more money. Forgive me mother, for flaunting your wealth. Felling your trees, at the expense of health. Forgive me mother, for warming you up. No snow left for white bear, grey seal or pup. Forgive me mother, for acting the fool. Playing for time, when ice caps pool. Forgive me mother, for gambling it all. In Wall Street casinos, on stock rise and fall. Forgive me mother, for trying your patience. No thoughts to actions, just quarrelling between nations. Forgive me mother, for electing the leaders. Barely out of nappy, consumption hungry breast feeders. Forgive me mother, for everything they diss. When comparing their manhood, or height of their piss. Forgive me mother, for surrendering my power. Not voicing my stance, championing beast and flower. Forgive me mother, for neglecting my duty. Of being protector of the Earth, steward of beauty. By Simon Blackler Copyright © Simon Blackler 2019 If you care to comment on this poem at all please feel free to do so below. |
AuthorSimon Blackler Archives
April 2023