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- Summer Flower Essences
Summer Flower Essences
Self Esteem
Connecting with our vision and purpose allows for a steady uplift all summer long.
The Summer Flower Essences of May through to July are designed to support us in deepening our connection to ourselves and to establish what is truly going on at our very core where we begin to establish where our life purpose, vision and values exist for carrying us ever onward on our life's journey.
The more we do connect with these principles in our life the more we experience empowerment and enthusiasm for our existence here on Mother Earth. We begin to care a whole lot more not only for ourself but for our fellow creatures all around us.
We are now prepared to venture further and further into the wilderness in order to find the answers for our life knowing full well that we will be protected by a higher power all the while. It is within the glade of the darkened forest that all of our answers for our life come true, the real truth to who we are as people in this lifetime.
May Flower Essences
Red Campion - Quality: Connection - Message: 'We Are The Campions'.
Meadow Buttercup - Quality: Empowerment - Message 'Time To Shine'.
June Flower Essences
Foxglove - Quality: Protection - Message: 'Guardian Of The Threshold'.
Wild Rose - Quality: Enthusiasm - Message: 'Seize The Day'
July Flower Essences
Ox-Eye Daisy - Quality: Vision - Message: 'Bright Eyes'.
Red Valerian - Quality: Truth - Message: 'To Thyself Be True'.
Click on the links above to find out more detail about each and every individual essence within the Summer Flower Essence collection.