New Gentle Men CircleFor me the single most cathartic thing that I can do for myself on a week by week basis is to speak my truth into a circle of men. Do this in an environment where you have people aiming to raise your vibe as much as their own, session by session, who know a bit about your story from the closed group you are a part of and you start to create a container of real authenticity and integrity for the benefit of all going forward in life.
Both Allies Of Nature, New Gentle Men & New Gentle Women, circles, work on a quarterly basis where you ideally sign up for a season, in this instance autumn (Aug - Oct). You can however join part way through also. By committing to a monthly subscription untold benefit becomes possible for you as you reaffirm your connection to the flowers and your deeper self. New Gentle Men Circle Thursday 7th & 21st November 7.00pm - 9.00pm Online Via Zoom Contact Me below to see just how to get involved. You Must Register For This Event In Advance By Clicking Here |
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 7929 312675
Join: The Allies Of Nature