Suicide Is The Biggest Killer Of Men Under 45 In The UK. Once upon a time we all lived as members of the same tribe immersed within nature. If we trace our soul or ancestral families back far enough this is where they ultimately end up, as part of one clan, of the same origin.
Within that tribe we would have done everything for one another for free. We would have erected our shelter together, hunted and gathered for our food as one, cooked the meals within community and looked after one another's children. We would have met in circle and been able to speak our truth authentically and been listened to with an open heart. We would have had a close affinity with all that lay around us, a connection with all flora and fauna alike. We would have gone through our respective rites of passage together, all known our purpose and what our individual medicine power was that we brought to the community at large. As men and women we would have known what was expected of us within society. We would have been led by a council of elders, grandmothers, all acting in the best interests of the planet, making no decision that would harm any child of the next seven generations to come of any species. With the social breakdown that we are now faced with and the amount of suicides that now exist within our community it smacks to me as if we are living in a world gone wrong, of a society that has strayed way off course as to where it is meant to be, we are in effect 'the lost tribe'. Whether it is men under the age of 45, sport stars that are away from the football pitch or boxing ring or celebrities struggling to deal with the spotlight and its various angles, all are living with anxiety and depression and many are choosing to end their lives prematurely, unsure of the reason why they are here or who they have become. We have lost our connection to our roots, we have strayed far from that which would bring us home to ourselves, we have distanced ourselves from our Earth Mother and are unaware of our own true nature. That is why I am choosing to adopt the practices I am now with my fellow shamanic practitioners attempting to bring the old ways back, to arrange to meet people in circle, in nature, or even around a table, just to be able to help people reconnect with something beyond themselves, to relieve some of their mental angst. To form a connection and offer healing, coaching and guidance back to some degree of sanity. Speaking from personal experience when I too have got lost upon the path, and experienced my own anxiety and depression which I have done on many occasions, it is only nature that has managed to bring me back to where I have needed to be, my own centre. The nature based practices that I have adopted and managed to amalgamate into my own life have an incredible ability to heal, to start to bring wholeness back to ourselves. To reconnect to something greater than ourselves and then to reboot us. A wounded, fragmented soul has no chance of a happy life, it has been adapted, urbanised, made to fit into a culture that is unnatural for it, to conform to an assumed better quality of life in the city, but at some stage in our journey that facade cracks and falls apart because of our lack of connection to the wild around us or even the wild within us. It is only nature that can help to restore any balance. So it is proving through scientific research also. A recent study carried out by the Universities of Plymouth, Exeter and Derby along with Natural England too has found that 'physically and psychologically reconnecting with nature can be beneficial for human health and well-being, and at the same time encourages individuals to act in ways which protect the health of the planet.' More details of the study can be found out here. It is what native people have known all along. It is our task now to step out into nature and begin to come home to ourselves by using various shamanic practices. Answer The Call To Adventure now to find out how you can best begin to reconnect to nature yourself through the services that I can offer you through Allies Of Nature. If you care to comment on this blog with regards to any issues or feelings it brings up for you please feel free to do so below.
Born out of the moorland heart
you do not notice me. Trickling down your backward slopes, to start you do not notice me. Flowing beneath the path of adolescent feet you do not notice me. Bounding beyond your working week you do not notice me. Through shadowy depths and sparkling heights you do not notice me. Where people play and fly their kites you do not notice me. Around right angle bends, that trouble sends you do not notice me. Meandering past midlife, towards my journeys end you do not notice me. Slowing down now, no longer flete afoot you do not notice me. Bye swan and drake and even boat you do not notice me. I’ve reached my voiced desire at last you do not notice me. On golden sand I retire my past you do not notice me. From source to mouth I am as one you do not notice me. Out to sea where my life doth come you do not notice me. Finally I am gone and you have none you notice me. Dry riverbed, no more fun you notice me. Enlightenment comes all too late you notice me. Resigning yourself to your chosen fate you notice me. Now you care and stop and stare you notice me. Busy life gone, resources scarce you notice me. No drink, no wash, no fish, no dove you notice me. No growth, no dosh, no life, no love you notice me. Oh to start again from the beginning to be with me. Never again shall you neglect our twinning to be with me. One drop of emotion is all that is needed to be with me. Back at the heart where our lifeblood is seeded to be with me. What to do for a second chance to be with me. No end of turns at river dance to be with me. Scratching your head for life’s true meaning to be with me. When all life looks spent, it starts raining you’re with me. By Simon Blackler Copyright © Simon Blackler 2020 If you care to comment on this poem at all please feel free to do so below. |
AuthorSimon Blackler Archives
April 2023