The Complete Allies Of Nature Flower Essence Support System So here we have it, the complete 24/7 Allies Of Nature flower essence support system to assist you in whatever personal development program that you choose to invest in with Allies Of Nature, be it The Flower Power Trip, The Butterfly Journey or the Orion Reborn Mens Program. These essences are designed to give you every quality that you require to bring yourself back into wholeness and balance from any controlling, criticising, conditioning, bullying, abusing and traumatising behaviour that you may have experienced in the past.
Ever since the Blackthorn first introduced itself to Simon Blackler back in March 2019, each individual flower in the range has stepped forward at the opportune moment to offer its qualities and message for the benefit of both humans and the planet alike. Indeed when Simon put a call out 12 months ago to search for new allies in order to create some commercial blends out of popular personal bespoke essences that he had created for some of his clients, the likes of Buddleia for August, Clover for October and Ivy for November were soon calling to him from the fields and hedgerows to be included in his range. These new flower essences have helped Simon form the blend that has come to assist people that have a tendency to always be pleasing others but not looking after themselves. These people give from a position of lack, hence the flowers that have stepped forward like Buddleia offer replenishment and Clover, abundance. Also there has been a blend created to assist in altering sleep patterns, to help bring Equilibrium back into one's life by offering people enough opportunities to rest. Thus a flower like Ivy has presented itself with the quality of vitality. It has been the same in 2022 also, where the likes of Gorse, Greater Stitchwort and Meadow Buttercup have gained Simon's attention, when seeking out suitable flower helpers for his blend that assists people to come into their true power and potency. The Gorse has brought ferocity and the Meadow Buttercup, empowerment. With monthly review sessions for the two Flower Essences of the Month that Simon recommends, there is a constant monitoring of progress that is being made with any particular client. Simon will make people aware where there have been subtle synchronicities at work so people's attention is heightened towards how the flower essences are influencing their healing journey when they take the essences every day and every month of the year. It is only then that the real power of flower essences and how they work can be truly illustrated to someone. Why not try them out for yourself under Simon's guidance by engaging in any of the personal development programs mentioned above and start to change your life for the better an essence and a quality at a time. Much love x
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You’re the autumn fruit for the butterfly, a harvest for the bee.
Sweet nectar for the hornet, every insect’s joy and glee. To you they all do flock, to bask and feed galore. On clustered lilac stock, nature’s larder full and more. So much beauty to behold, from Small Tortoiseshell to Red Admiral. Such a potent candy store, plentiful chocs of salted caramel. All Lepidoptera they do descend, Cabbage White to stunning Peacock. Replenishment is that assured, with sugar hits like seaside rock. From fly and flea, to wasp and me, you’re such a homing beacon. As nourishing as the apple tree, whatever power we are seeking. To dip our tongue into your bloom, is heaven sent and made. To suck your bounty until content, from fullest flower to seeds that fade. What treasure it is that you do grant, to Brimstone, Painted Lady. Giving energy to the winter months, courage to bird more sure than maybe. For wings to beat and then to fly, to keep momentum up. Reservoir of nutrition in the bank, abundance floweth over cup. By Simon Blackler Copyright © Simon Blackler 2021 If you care to comment on this poem at all and the emotions that it brings up for you then please feel free to do so below. |
AuthorSimon Blackler Archives
April 2023