The Verbena Flower Essence & Eclipse Solar And Lunar Blend Well the last pieces of the jigsaw seem to be slotting into place now thankfully. It has been on my mind for a while to include my own personal essence that I collected on the final module of my Accredited Flower Essence Practitioner Course, in September 2019, into the Allies Of Nature range of flower essences itself.
I had resisted this notion at first because the Verbena is a cultivated flower, rather than a wild flower and I initially had wanted to keep the range pure with only wild flowers within it. However, as with the ceremonies I have been involved with in my three year shamanic training, it is important not to get too idealistic about the offering you are putting together, to be humble, act with humility and go with the flow in the way that you are being directed by spirit. After any vision quest that we encountered with Chris Luttichau and Northern Drum, on Chris' directive we used to drink Coca Cola as part of our ceremonial feast. A beverage belonging to a company whose ethics in the past have been slightly debatable shall we say, and that was the purpose of drinking it, after such a pure spiritual experience, so as not to be deemed too pure, or above life itself, in what we had just undertaken together. We are as much in the mire as in the ecstasy too, and thus the transformational journey that we are all negotiating in our own particular way remains a part of us wherever we are on that route. These are all qualities needed in the role of leadership and this is the essence of Verbena. It is a flower that stands tall, above a great many of its counterparts within the borders of our gardens, most notably in the Chalice Well Garden itself in Glastonbury where I ended up collecting this essence from. It is so tall that it can more or less stand shoulder to shoulder with us. It wants us to 'Make A Stand' with it, as if we are brother to brother or sister to sister. The Verbena will guide us as to what is required to be able to overcome a critical, controlled, conditioned existence as a caterpillar in order to start to lead and control our own lives as butterflies. With the Eclipse Essence too, this was a Lunar and Solar Blend that was sitting on the periphery of the range of flower essences also, it just kept calling me to be included within the rest of the offering and I am now beginning to see why. By adding these two essences into the mix I now have 24 flower essences or blends that can be utilised to assist people in their emotional wellbeing whilst they journey back to a place of wholeness and balance. I believe that all the essences are here to help us to 'awaken to a life beyond bullying to claim our true power'. Now with the addition of these two extra essences, my mandala of essences now looks balanced. It looks a thing of beauty in its own right as I will illustrate more fully in coming days. It is now possible to take two essences per month, chronologically, and gain support the whole year through from the flowers regardless of whether you engage in a fuller transformational personal development program with me or not. The Eclipse Essence initially came about fairly fortuitously, I had no idea when I set out to capture the Ox-Eye Daisy Essence on 2nd July 2019 that I was so doing on the day of the solar eclipse, until I read about it the following day. In this amazing synchronicity I then realised that I simply must collect the lunar eclipse essence too the following fortnight, on the 16th as I had a 13th Moon Essence to tie in for my range and what better than a full moon on a lunar eclipse in order to do so. That essence was one of the Red Valarian, carrying with it the quality of truth and message therefore of 'To Thyself Be True'. When combined with the Ox-Eye Daisy and its quality of vision and message 'Bright Eyes' it encourages us to go forward and be true to a vision that we have for our life, and therefore, to begin to 'Live The Dream', the one thing that we are truly meant to be doing within our lifetime. Here we set our course to the ultimate desired destination that we wish to reach in life. Both of these essences and blends hark to us to pay attention to our leadership qualities and what it takes to come into alignment with ourselves in the same way that the Eclipse itself indicates when the Earth, sun and moon all come into direct alignment with one another, heralding an auspicious time astrologically for us all. To find out more about these respective flower essences why not visit my newly organised shop where it is possible to purchase either of the new essences from. If you care to comment on this blog with regards to any issues or feelings it brings up for you please feel free to do so below.
AuthorSimon Blackler Archives
April 2023