What Effect Does The Feminine Eve Archetype Have On Us As Men? OK so this is a big one for me as it reflects my whole life journey with women in general. I chuckle away to myself, somewhat nervously, for I do not know what writing this post will bring for me today. It is an honest account of what it is to be me on this life long journey of finding a significant other for me, I guess.
These past few days I have re-engaged more whole heartedly again with the dating scene. I have taken Tony Robbins advice and gone about a massive action in my love life to create massive change, I have subscribed to Tinder, as opposed to my normal, more comfortable stomping ground of Spiritual Singles. At first glance Tinder is an Eden for me, (but more likely a hell), it seems as if it is jammed packed full with seemingly beautiful women, I mean archetypically beautiful women, what society or Hollywood depicts a beautiful woman to be. Over the past 48 hours I have 'liked' 24 of these Amazonian type goddesses of which ZERO, yes ZERO have replied with a similar like back in my direction. Of the 10 other women that have initially liked me, 8 I similarly don't find any strong resonance with and have dismissed equally quickly myself and the 2 that I have liked back, albeit appearing to be much younger ladies than myself, have turned out to be scammers i.e. too good to be true ultimately in any case!! Then somebody else popped up on my radar last night, a different kind of woman, as I put it out to the Universe that ideally I needed a date for this evening in order for me to attend a salsa event in Plymouth, so as not to go along as Billy 'No Mates'. This woman is not 'unattractive' you understand, as a good male friend of mine would say, but she is more like the mother type I normally end up having a relationship with (Jung's Mary) rather than the beauty (Jung's Eve), the latter being the person I would truly like to be starting a relationship with. So this weekend, in microcosm, is a reflection of my entire life journey, of all the beauties that I have wished to have in my life that seemingly I can never gain a footing with, and the more maternal types where I find it a lot easier to be myself, as I am ironically not attracted to them (at least at first) and then end up having a relationship with them slightly under sufferance, because of the failed attempts with the Eve character, the person my heart ultimately wants to be with. When I say, in the same way that Alison Moyet does, that 'I go weak in the presence of beauty' I literally do. I give my power away almost instantly. If I am fortunate enough to chat to such a woman early doors, it isn't too long before the projection I place in her direction starts to rise, putting her on such a pedestal that it then becomes, very sadly, impossible to talk to her. It is tragic!! It is a tragedy, almost of Greek mythology proportions. Of course in my journey of self development I have realised over a period of time that from a Jungian perspective the beautiful woman is only reflecting back to me the beauty that I fail to see in myself, my own radiant, attractive light, where I take on the form of Narcissus and start to fall in love with myself in the mirror giving myself unconditional love instead of waiting for somebody else outside of me to administer this in my direction. What I speak of here is one of the flaws of being human, of being a man for sure. Where under such a paradox sometimes heinous acts and crimes are committed because (in part) a man can't get over his obsession with the beauty, he almost becomes possessed by it, temporarily insane in fact. Not seeking to justify any other man's actions of course but perhaps bring a little bit of understanding as to what may have been going on for him at the time. Like I say I don't know where this post is going to take me, it being a very public post where everyone can read it (my sister included). It is my soul laid bare. I only continue to write because I believe it can be of benefit for others to hear, to witness and for it to resonate somewhat in our collective wounding together. I feel the need to apologise somewhat for how I have conducted myself on this Earth so far, 51 years in, towards women that I have known and indeed loved. However, I also feel a need to usher a collective apology on behalf of all men, and in particular the toxic masculine aspect of ourselves, for not treating women in a way that they deserve to be, to protect and guard you rather than rape and pillage you. The latter being a fact that I have only realised of late is perhaps more rife within my immediate network of friends than I ever deemed possible before. I feel I want to say sorry to all the women that I have ever loved but not had the courage to say that I have indeed loved you at various points in my journey, and those opportunities have gone array. I feel the bullying scar that I have carried with me for many years has been left very deep within me and not given me the courage to approach what I have deemed to be a beautiful woman in my life with any confidence, fearing rejection rather than acceptance. The voyage of unrequited love has been a particularly painful one for me. I have learnt a huge amount about what it is to be able to speak your truth in a timely manner and not wait seven years before attempting to do it to get such a monkey off your back. It is perhaps easier to see in hindsight that if someone you seemingly love or fall in love with for their beauty, who then subsequently falls for another guy within a couple of weeks of you getting to know her, that she is not really meant for you, especially, if she goes on to marry the other chap. Never mind how much you might try and convince yourself otherwise that it is only happening because you haven't told her your own truth, that you have been too shy to do so, despite all the hints she might have given you along the way that she does in fact like you a little bit or even a lot. It can have dire consequences in the long term if the subsequent search for the ultimate truth is deemed inappropriate or harassing even when confidence or bravado rises to such a level that an answer must be sought regardless of the consequences, despite how minimal your enquiry might have seemed to yourself, those one or two acts could be viewed totally differently with an alternative lens and a fear filter applied, especially when the authorities are called into action as a result, believing a stalker to be on the loose. Yep, sorry, looks like I over stepped the mark there. I never meant that to happen, or for that to be deemed the case, that's what temporary insanity does for you I believe. I wonder if this is why I am finding it difficult to find an Eve archetype for my Orion Reborn Mens Program to help hold space with me, because it continues to play out in my wider story. If you are a woman who has been a victim to a whole load of projections from men in your life and had to learn to hold your boundary and put us men back in our box, I would love to hear from you as I would dearly love for you to assist me in bringing my course forward with me. This topic and ones like it I hope will be discussed on the program and a great deal of healing brought to it from both sides of the equation, both the masculine and the feminine if wishing to voyage from the toxic to the divine as I myself am attempting to do now too. Don't be afraid to reach out in my direction if this has been an issue for you in the past, together we can perhaps heal the wounds and change our collective story for the greater good.
What Is Meant By The Term The Deep Feminine? Well what 'The Deep Feminine' ultimately speaks to me about is the womb, the holding place, the void for which the spark of creativity then flies from in the form of the divine masculine in fact.
One of the two sacred laws of the First Nation people as I understand them, states that 'everything is first born of woman', so if you are a man or male thing, or this spark that I have just talked about then that act of being male initially comes out from this holding space of woman, the place of birthing, of nourishment and vast nothingness and stillness. So the deep feminine means to me things like Mother Earth herself, our soul, where this quietness and calm resides at our centre, our inner void, our presence, our essence, all the creatures on the planet that are closely connected with this and in particular all women that we know that display similar if not the same qualities and abilities within our society. So we as men need to respect that natural law and bring back a real appreciation for the feminine aspect of our society and within oursleves so that it is able to establish an equal footing within our community again. So that the deep (divine) feminine is empowered and the divine masculine stands by guarding and protecting it so that it can continue to grow and flourish, rather than raping and pillaging it, which the toxic masculine would have done in the past and still does to a large degree across the planet today, a consciouness which needs to be brought to a rapid halt. This is the imbalance that we as men wish to evolve away from, distancing ourselves from toxic masculinity in order to become more divine in nature. This is something that we will be endeavouring to do through my new Orion Reborn Mens Program of which the Facebook Group for it has only just recently formed in support of the wider transformational program of the same name that I am offering later in the year to my fellow brothers. If you are interested in this program or know of anyone else that could be please do not hesitate to get in contact with me about it. x Toxic Masculinity remains rife within our society today, how do we feel about this?
We see it in Russia's invasion of the Ukraine, we see it in altercations at the Oscars, we see it in the governance of pandemics, we see it in what we believe to be conspiracy theories, hell we see it in the way that we as human beings continue to expand across the planet without any respect towards nature and our fellow inhabitants within our world. It is a 'power over' way of being, where we seek to bully, control, criticise and condition our fellow citizens towards our way of thinking. We take resources from the planet as if they are solely meant for us regardless of where they are in the world and what purpose they ultimately serve. We are selfish, we operate from a place of lack and scarcity, we hoard and we live in fear. If anyone dare challenge us we lash out with our own style of retribution. This mentality only continues to make us feel more and more alone, isolated within the world, where, in solitary confinement, surrounded by a million cans of baked beans and a thousand rolls of loo paper we are bereft without any fellow human contact, none of any note in any case. Just an inanimate scroll of a social media feed where all of our emotions are hidden behind a wall of words without any genuine, physical human contact. We yearn for connection with other kindred spirits and yet we do everything within our power to push people away, to take their energy away from them, just so that we can survive for a minute longer upon this globe of ours lost within a multitude of galaxies. This isn't the way to be in the world that we live in, we know this deep down at our very core but we know of little alternative as we have only experienced this one way of living to date, a caterpillar way of existence. This continued treadmill of life where we continue to give and give and give to a system that very rarely returns any favours to us, unless we spend 25 years or more at our current task eeking out incremental payments towards our dreams from a very modest existence where only 1% of us truly win within the life that we encounter. The rest of us are continually in debt to it and it feels as if we will never have our head above the water. Once we do eventually surface it is often beaten back down or held below the water line as we drown in feelings of unworthiness, being under appreciated and unloved. We can however turn it all around by adopting a 'power with' attitude, to seek to serve others, to be expansive with our unique gifts that we have to offer the world, to be supportive, compassionate and caring towards every living being that we encounter. In essence we are being urged to become more feminine in nature, opening up to our own divinity, softening the masculine aspect of ourselves where we begin to operate out of a place of abundance, joy, fun and frivolity. Here we begin to feel that we have any amount to share with others and once more we start to come back more into alignment with the Earth herself. We can choose to share resources, to provide for others, to respect our fellow creatures upon the planet, giving them the space and respect that they deserve too. We begin to value them and work with them to create a planet where we can all begin to work in harmony with one another, sing the same song, being in tune with the rhythm of Gaia. It is clear we need to pitch our voices higher, to place them up an octave or two if we are to lift the vibrancy and frequency of the planet to a more loving way of being, honouring our own divinity and butterfly self. This is possible however once we know our journey to date and how we have come to be where we are today. If you are a man and you want to transform yourself from a place of toxicity to one of divinity why not check out my upcoming 13 month personal development project in the form of the Orion Reborn Mens Program. If you are a woman why not check out The Flower Power Trip and The Butterfly Journey and let's see what we can do by way of an introduction to each other. Together we can make the difference that we seek. I sit and wait patiently to be of service to you, whoever comes over the horizon first to be welcomed through the gateway into a new realm, one where some very fluttery kindred spirits exist just waiting to make contact with you, once you begin to find your reason for being on the globe at this time, your life purpose. Why not come and join the new paradigm that is beginning to form and connect with me today, I can't wait to hear from you in order to get started. Living In An Open-Hearted Way Can Bring Both Sunshine And Showers As I walk along my chosen path to help people establish the essence of who they are and overcome the effects of bullying to find their true identity, it is necessary for me to continue to place one foot in front of the other on my own odyssey too.
We are being encouraged all the while in the 21st century to be open-hearted, authentic, honest and true to our nature in our individual quests. It is a courageous route for us all to take because in doing so we are being prompted constantly to embrace and show our vulnerability. In our own hero's journey, where we triumph over adversity, we expose ourselves in order to build rapport and trust with any person that we wish to work with who recognises their own story of suffering in our sharing too, this is our triumph. However, the exact same action that we carry out in speaking our truth in order to attract new friends towards us can also invite old foes that might wish to seek out and exploit our defencelessness for their own gain. They might be notable abusers, bullies and other critical influences that we have experienced in our past who continue to try and keep us small or indeed quiet for their own benefit or justification. In sharing our story with the world we have to be ready for this type of scenario too, for if we aren't fully prepared for it, we will continue to absorb, collapse and descend back into the realm of adversity, very quickly. Both forces are at work in the universe constantly to help us develop and evolve towards where we need to be as human beings. When we start to bring awareness to all aspects of the situation that we encounter we can start to see the overall divine plan for our lives and the state we need to be in, between triumph and adversity, if we are to keep an even keel within our lives, one of serenity and peace. Recently I have chosen to share more of my 'overcoming the effects of bullying to find my true identity' story in order to hopefully connect with other people that might be continuing to experience this situation in their own lives too. I wasn't however prepared for the storm that was about to present itself when my truth started to permeate in the direction of my own immediate family. Over the past month it has felt like I have been very much walking between the eye of the storm and the tempest that has then come to surround me. Many people have indeed expressed their admiration in my direction for my very brave account of what it was like for me to grow up within my own home, at school, college and then in the workplace, all within a bullying type environment, when I chose to express myself both through poetry and film as part of Anti-Bullying Week back in November. This is when I felt I was in the eye of the storm and completely in the flow of life, stepping forward on my path. Conversely however, completely unknown to myself at the time, my comments were also being received in a very negative, fearful way by some of the people that have been closest to me in my 50 year existence upon the planet. In fact they found my statements to be most shocking and hurtful as their version of events, their own truth, was being perceived quite differently to that of my own. Here, the thunder, lightning, downpours of rain and howling gales have been difficult to experience once again. It has been necessary for me to batten down the hatches for a while, an old age survival strategy of mine. However, with all the personal development I have done on myself over the years, together with the support systems I now have in place, both with regards to individuals and communities in my network, I have been able to continue to stride onward towards my goal. In the past I would have felt totally uprooted by this experience when the hurricane has come to hit, this time around however I have been able to weather the storm and come out the other side perfectly OK, grounded, centred with my roots, trunk and branches all still fully intact, I can still stand tall within the forest. This primarily is because I have been far more aware of what has been going on around me when the winds have started to pick up this time around. I have been able to take my share of responsibility within the events that have occurred, I can perhaps see now where other people are coming from and what their angst is all about connected to me and my living situation. I have been able to accept this scenario for what it is and not tried to change the process that has been instigated, instead I have let the necessary healing start to take place. I have released my attachment to any outcome and let go of any expectation as to what the final result of all this will be, I have just acknowledged that it is all taking us somewhere to where we all need go. Things are a lot better I believe as a consequence because of this change in mindset. At this moment in time I am inspired by the words of Oscar Hammerstein II and his song that he wrote in 1945, 'You'll Never Walk Alone', which also happens to be the anthem to my favourite football club, Liverpool FC. I am choosing to recount all the words here as I believe they bring hope at this time to us all. You'll Never Walk Alone. When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark At the end of a storm There's a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark Walk on through the wind Walk on through the rain Though your dreams be tossed and blown Walk on, walk on With hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone You'll never walk alone Walk on, walk on With hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone You'll never walk alone Indeed if your story in any way matches my own, you will always have me here in support of yourself in your corner, if you choose to connect with me in this manner. You don't have to walk alone through the storm you are encountering we can do so very much together. And as I believed might happen when I originally wrote this blog, all of these events were leading to a place where I could experience the next stage of my personal development journey and gain the maximum amount of learning from it in the new information that was being provided to me from the coach I was working with. Indeed as you approach the Visibility Gateway so all of these things will blow up into your face to try and keep you small, back where you have always been, but you need to summon up the courage to step through the storm you are being greeted with in order to find that 'golden sky' and indeed 'the sweet silver song of the lark' because in my experience they do in fact exist when the clouds start to dissipate. If you care to comment on this blog with regards to any issues or feelings it brings up for you please feel free to do so below. The shaman stands a warrior, bandana on his head.
Knowing just what’s needed, no words are to be said. His drum now does his talking, a beat that echoes voice. Hide stretched taut with sinew, red stag pelt of choice. Air quite thick and smudge filled, pungent from the sage. Gratitude placed in abundance, tobacco off the gauge. Ground is splashed with water, holy from the well. Sacred space is granted, healing awaits the bell. Body draped in blanket, turned to face the altar. Sprit guide and panther, strain upon the halter. Feathers from the condor quiver, soar round wounded being. Sifting life from death, bad energy gone a-fleeing. Persistent blocks and leakages, require needle and the thread. Plus deft touch of a surgeon, bringing addict off the med. Cock pheasant and rabbit paw, grace wand of shining gleam. The shake and shake of rattle, brings patient back from dream. Chief rises proud completed, hand gripped upon his staff. A crook of finest heritage, adorned with peacock laugh. His shield of sun and swallows, of pink and purple flowers. The essence that of which, just heighten all his powers. These skills of his fine tuned, to that of soul intention. All fuel to the fire of his, too many tools to mention. By Simon Blackler Copyright © Simon Blackler 2020 If you care to comment on this poem at all please feel free to do so below. Flower Essences Aim To Support Us As Warriors For A New Earth. In creating the Allies Of Nature range of flower essences I believe I have formed a battalion of floral comrades that have all come together at this time to support us in our journey towards becoming warriors for a new Earth.
I feel that each of my bottles of goodness contain a leadership quality, something that we need to be our own leader, or help return ourselves to a place of balance at this point in our planet's history. Here we are able to more fully embrace the legacy of our ancestors gone before us and understand our own life purpose as a result. When I create an essence, I pick up 'in the field' what it is all about and what needs to be conveyed to our community through this flower. I am then able to transcribe that information into an essence description. This is very much collected in the moment, but can be related to any amount of experiences that have contributed to that essence coming into being from the initial intention to create it. In our journey as warriors we will experience many hurdles and obstacles that will need to be overcome, trials and tribulations given us along the way that expose our core wounds. We will have to find some way of healing these wounds in our passage towards wholeness. The flowers can help us with this process. My own voyage has been one very much connected to being bullied. I have had to strive to overcome all of the naysayers in my life, all the people that have wished to control my own outcomes, if I let them. For a great many years I did just that, allowed them to rule my life, until such a time as I have been able to start to push back against the tide. I have noticed in a lot of the essences I have created recently there have been many qualities given to me that have been connected to getting beyond this place of struggle and hardship. One of which has been that of Hedge Bindweed, bringing me the quality of resilience. Hedge Bindweed I gathered as an essence within sight of the house I grew up in from the age of 13 to 31 and where a lot of my bullying issues manifested themselves. They culminated in me receiving death threats at the age of 16 in the run up to the end of school. The Hedge Bindweed used to grow upon our tennis court at the time and now its rhizomes stretch out far and wide 200 yards down the road beyond our former household. It is a very tenacious plant, if you cut it back or chop it down as a gardener it will reform that much stronger, it keeps coming back, getting back up again and will continue to clamber over the more precious, ornate plants in the flower beds. It has an amazing core strength and greater resilience. When I was collecting the essence I was reminded of the film The Last Samurai, starring Tom Cruise and in particular a scene where he, as the imprisoned US Captain Nathan Algren, is taken off to a Japanese Samurai village. He befriends one of the children there whom he is staying with, ironically, the son of the warrior he has killed in battle and he gets involved in a play fight with kendo sticks with him. A supreme warrior of the village spots what is going on and takes the stick away from the boy and sets about administering a beating to Captain Algren. Algren is in no way a match for such a warlord and as the rain descends ever more heavily on the duel so the more the Captain is beaten, bashed, bruised and bullied into the muddy river that is now forming at his feet. However, despite the odds, he continues to get back up again. He has no skills to match this warrior, only his heart, stubbornness, belief in himself, grit and determination. He knows he is going to get beaten and beaten, again and again until all that is left is his own will. The very fact however that he keeps getting back up again begins to earn him respect within all that are watching on, even the titan that is administering his annihilation. Algren all the while is learning one of the key qualities it takes to be a warrior, a true Ally Of Nature, resilience. To never give up, to get knocked down but to keep getting back up again is an admirable quality in life. We will all get there in the end, if we lose the battle it is not necessarily like losing the war. We can all still be victorious, especially if we follow the example of the Hedge Bindweed. If you care to comment on this blog with regards to any issues or feelings it brings up for you then please feel free to do so below. Forgive me mother, for getting too big.
No room is there left now, for lion or pig. Forgive me mother, for multiplying too many. In habitat loss, species die two a penny. Forgive me mother, for conceiving more kids. No concept of growth, or population lids. Forgive me mother, for expanding so fast. The cities created, such shadows they cast. Forgive me mother, for sprawling too wide. Railroads and highways, with you they collide. Forgive me mother, for commuting so much. Clogging your airways, losing nature's touch. Forgive me mother, for being a child. Trashing kerbside in tantrum, forest when riled. Forgive me mother, for creating such mess. With plastic and litter, turtles choke in distress. Forgive me mother, for polluting your streams. Blackening water with oil, culling indigenous dreams. Forgive me mother, for depleting your gifts. Searching for treasure, only finding thrift. Forgive me mother, for claiming your body. Raping your landscapes, all for more money. Forgive me mother, for flaunting your wealth. Felling your trees, at the expense of health. Forgive me mother, for warming you up. No snow left for white bear, grey seal or pup. Forgive me mother, for acting the fool. Playing for time, when ice caps pool. Forgive me mother, for gambling it all. In Wall Street casinos, on stock rise and fall. Forgive me mother, for trying your patience. No thoughts to actions, just quarrelling between nations. Forgive me mother, for electing the leaders. Barely out of nappy, consumption hungry breast feeders. Forgive me mother, for everything they diss. When comparing their manhood, or height of their piss. Forgive me mother, for surrendering my power. Not voicing my stance, championing beast and flower. Forgive me mother, for neglecting my duty. Of being protector of the Earth, steward of beauty. By Simon Blackler Copyright © Simon Blackler 2019 If you care to comment on this poem at all please feel free to do so below. Guaranteed To Wake You Up In The Morning. Every morning the shamanic warrior stands with a choice before him or her. To take a risk and live this day in touch with the soul, to thrive, be zingy and full of energy by stepping into the cold shower first thing in the morning, or to remain governed within the comfort zone of the ego, surrounded by the luxury of the everyday and stick with the hot rinse.
For me this past week marks a threshold of 12 months of cold showers. It started on 27th September 2017 and give or take the odd day when it was impossible to have one, and there was no waterfall to use as an alternative, then I have been true to my choice, the decision that has stood before me daily beneath the shower head, to turn the tap to blue rather than red. The teaching stems from the First Nation people, when the grandmothers of the tribes took their young ones every day of the year to the river, the waterfall or the ocean, to have all the red blood cells race to the surface of the body and invigorate the whole being. When we are immersed beneath the ripples, the spray and the waves, it brings us to first attention and we feel fully present with all life around us. Today we don't have the rivers and oceans readily at our finger tips when making the commute to work so we have to make a compromise with the cold shower, but the effects can still be the same. Over a period of time we start to build up more healthy, brown, lean fat within ourselves as opposed to the white, fatty fat that otherwise will remain in existence. We blow the cobwebs away from the night or day before and are ready to greet the next 24 hours as if it were our first here on Earth. The way of the shaman is to choose to be on this edge, to go beyond the norm, because here is where the answers lie to one's life. So with the shower, so with every choice one is faced with in the day long journey as the Earth spins one full rotation dawn to dawn as we endeavour to move closer to our true selves. The cold shower can be seen as the first step along The Way Of The Warrior. It doesn't have to be this way of course there are other things that you can choose to do to take you into the mystery and soul of your being, through ceremony and ritual in other morning practices or indeed throughout the day, but for the sake of really moving into the now, there is arguably none better than this most obvious option. Of course we don't have to jump right in, we can start with warm water and switch to cold as we shower, as I have done in the past, but eventually comes the day when you just decide to embrace life more fully and take the plunge straight off. You will find that once you begin to shake the ego's thought that this isn't such a good idea, that cold actually isn't that cold after all. Water can't go below zero degrees because it would freeze, it will be warmer than what you might first imagine depending on where your shower exists in proximity to nature the length and breadth of the nation. It has other advantages too, saving you money, using less heat and electric within the household for the benefit of not only your pocket but that of climate change too. It is simply the notion of it that we have to get over, realising how strong our ego is that wants to keep us small, protected and well within our comfort zone, unfulfilled, stale and dead. Once we embrace the concept however, our energy levels start to rise, we are prepared to risk more and live a more fulfilled life, we become more vigorous and begin to thrive. We are then ready for the next choice towards a better life. If you care to comment on this blog with regards to any issues or feelings it brings up for you please feel free to do so below. Everything Is Enhanced When Entering Sacred Space. Part of the reason for a lack of blogs over the past couple of months is due to the fact that I have been engaged in two rather large ceremonies and a whole load of smaller ones too.
When engaging in the shamanic path regardless of whether you intend to become a shamanic practitioner or not, ceremony, ritual and the ability to create a sacred space for yourself becomes an ever more important everyday aspect of your life. Through this practice you start to establish a relationship with the sacred and dive into the great mystery of all things. We must not underestimate the power of ceremony. If the right intention is set and space is created, with the utmost integrity, for whatever purpose is going to be performed, then spirit will most likely take note and answer in no uncertain terms if the plea for help is a sincere one. We are all familiar with ceremonies that are set up to mark the importance of people stepping over new thresholds or transitioning into a new existence through weddings, graduation and the like, in shamanism it is no different. It just seeks to go a little further in creating more ceremonies for more purposes, like for visioning what your life is truly about by way of a Vision Quest, what you want to really leave behind in your life once and for all via a Burial Ceremony or purely to grant forgiveness, give gratitude or release attachment to things through a Fire Ceremony. When one partakes in these events as I have done in the past few weeks being prepared to go to an extreme in order to do so, you make a pledge to nature and spirit, that becomes very difficult, if not darn impossible to renege on when the answer comes back to you in such crystal clear form as to the promise you have made. There should be no turning back. If you are to resist however, you know you are going to betray your own spirit, your own soul and potential future well being in the process. Life is urging you forward and ever onward, if you dig your heels in you become stale in your comfort zone and start to die, alternatively you grasp the opportunity, leap forward, go with the flow and start to truly live as if your life depended upon it, because it literally does. We are here to live our lives to our fullest potential, it may take us years to release ourselves from the shackles that forever hold us back, it may take us that long to find the ceremony or ceremonies that are finally going to unlock the key to set our spirit's free. In shamanic practice the tiniest of shamanic healing sessions, merest morning practice or subtlest of fire ceremonies can start to open up this portal for change within us if they are held with the right integrity and intention. That is the driving force behind everything one does as a shamanic practitioner, healer or coach, it is no different in my own daily practice to when I hold space for anyone else, the potential for transformation always exists, we never know when our connection to spirit is really going to kick in. If you care to comment on this blog with regards to any issues or feelings it brings up for you please feel free to do so below. What Legacy Do We Want To Leave Our Children? The Children’s Fire is one of two sacred laws that govern a large percentage of First Nation People. It is a fire that represents not only the children of this generation but that of the next 6 to come, making 7 generations in all.
When the law refers to The Children it means all the children of the Earth, not solely human beings, all the species of flora and fauna that are alive on the planet today. The law decrees that no decision should ever be taken by the current community, any individual or group, that would bring harm in any way to The Children and so risk extinguishing The Children’s Fire or prevent it from burning quite so bright in future years. That is why a candle or flame exists at the centre of any council that sits within that culture to remind one and all of the consequences any motion being carried or lost has with regards to the relationship held with The Children. When we think about the global issues we are now faced with today in relationship to The Children’s Fire it perhaps brings all of our decision making into perspective and question. This is what the children of the Earth, led by Greta Thurnberg, are trying to bring to the attention of all the adults on the planet today. When we continue to burn fossil fuels, emit greenhouse gases and create plastic pollution, are we creating a better environment for The Children to live in or worse? When we simply create more human beings, ever expanding our own population whilst impacting heavily on all other species environments and habitats, are we creating a better place for The Children to breathe and thrive in or otherwise? When we contribute to our own overcrowding, poverty, famine, malnutrition and dis-ease within our own society as a consequence of our continued growth and urbanisation, are we leaving a healthier legacy for the next generation or not? In many a spiritual practice, ritual or ceremony a fire is often lit to help commemorate it, to add to the sanctity of the event. As the candle or flames flicker we are enchanted by the dance in front of our eyes, we love the warmth and comfort that it brings, the excitement of its brightness, mystery and creativity, but we also appreciate its vulnerability at the same time. We are fully aware of how too little or too much wood, wind or water might contribute to the fire dying or going out. We watch over it like a mother would tend a child to keep the balance, the embers glowing, the kindling alight, the fuel forever burning. That same respect, care and attention now needs to be administered to The Children themselves, as a part of The Children’s Fire. If we are to have a community that will continue to warm us and carry our light forward, bewitching us with its presence, we must now bring ourselves back into alignment, to recreate the right relationship again to The Children. Then we will be able to ensure that The Children do indeed have enough wood, wind and water to continue to flourish and bloom whatever their creed or species maybe. Here lies the peace that we seek for ourselves, others and the planet, the unconditional love that we wish to hold for one and all, to allow us to sustain all life alive around the globe at this time and that which still has to follow on behind as is decreed within The Children's Fire. If you care to comment on this blog with regards to any issues or feelings it brings up for you please feel free to do so below. |
AuthorSimon Blackler Archives
April 2023