Foxglove V Foxglove In the Allies Of Nature range of flower essences the 'Flower Essence Of The Month' for June is the Foxglove, it brings with it the quality of 'protection' and the message of being 'The Guardian Of The Threshold'.
However, the Chalice Well also has a Foxglove flower essence within its range of flower essences too, bringing with it the quality of 'alignment' and the message to 'Stand Tall And Be Counted'. When we come into contact with both ranges how can we decide which of the two essences is most suitable for us? Why is there a difference in the qualities that they offer and messages that they wish to bring? Where can commonality be found and the meaning of the two essences bridged? At first glance there may seem to be quite a disparity between the two Foxglove essences within their respective ranges, however on closer inspection the mutual theme starts to become more apparent. Within the Age Of Aquarius, the age we are entering now, more collaborative ways of working is said to offer the best way forward for us all. When attending the Accredited Chalice Well Practitioner Course in 2019 I learnt through that study that this spirit is very much upheld within the Chalice Well way of making essences. When capturing an essence in a collaborative way, many students or practitioners are all interpreting the message that the flower wants to bring to them independently. The insights that they receive about the essence will be very different. The beauty of the essence creation is only portrayed when people are able to communicate the enlightenment that they personally have been given, only then can the common themes be picked up on. It is through the weaving of the strands of the web where the meaning behind the essence is ultimately established. Of course essences of the same flower can be gathered under very different circumstances, in daylight, after dark, on different moon cycles and having various contrasting events going on within the field, within the wider world, so subtle nuances may always be apparent between essences. However when you take these two examples of the Chalice Well essence and that of the Allies Of Nature essence too, a bridge indeed can be formed between the ranges. The Foxglove carries with it the colour of magenta. Magenta is a colour that is a cross between both red and violet. Red is associated with the base chakra, violet the crown. In the words of the Chalice Well 'the Foxglove essence helps to create greater alignment of body and soul with higher energies. The life force then flows from crown to base'. It can be noted that all the petals of a Foxglove have a very feminine receptive shape to them, whereas the overall appearance of the flower itself is very erect and masculine in demeanour. This plant seems to summon upon the energy of both the masculine and the feminine, through the kundalini, the twin snakes that spiral up the spine bringing the life force with it. I know from my own experience that when we start to tap into the kundalini it is like experiencing 'The Guardian Of The Threshold', because when you connect with it you begin to enter a new, more spiritual realm. The kundalini is a benevolent force, one could say the protector of the sacred. Therefore when the Foxglove 'Stands Tall To Be Counted', when it is stood in alignment, we can see that this is one attribute it takes to be a guardian too. Hence we begin to see the link between the two essences become clearer. The essence journey can be a very interesting one, the flowers are great educators for life in general. When we see difference we are encouraged to seek commonality for a better understanding. In this instance of what it is to be a Foxglove. For people and their differences however we could be being encouraged all the time to find out what the commonality is between us also and ultimately what it is to be human. If you care to comment on this blog with regards to any issues or feelings it brings up for you please feel free to do so below.
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AuthorSimon Blackler Archives
April 2023